


t f B! P L

brew updateがエラーになる

Macでパッケージシステムを使うとき、コマンドをインストールするユーザと使うユーザとは分けておいたほうが安全だ、ということで、Homebrewをrootでインストールしていたのだが、最近、brew updateすると
Updating brew...
Error: Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous. As Homebrew does not
drop privileges on installation you are giving all build scripts full access
to your system. As a result of the OS X sandbox not handling the root user
correctly HOMEBREW_NO_SANDBOX has been set so the sandbox will not be used. If
we have not merged a pull request to add privilege dropping by November 1st
2016 running Homebrew as root will be disabled. No Homebrew maintainers plan
to work on this functionality.
Error: Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous. As Homebrew does not
drop privileges on installation you are giving all build scripts full access
to your system. As a result of the OS X sandbox not handling the root user
correctly HOMEBREW_NO_SANDBOX has been set so the sandbox will not be used. If
we have not merged a pull request to add privilege dropping by November 1st
2016 running Homebrew as root will be disabled. No Homebrew maintainers plan
to work on this functionality.
Updated Homebrew from 8bf787c to d39eeac.
Updated 6 taps (caskroom/cask, homebrew/boneyard, homebrew/core, homebrew/versions, mackerelio/mackerel-agent, motemen/mackerel-agent).
==> New Formulae

brew doctorで修正方法を調べる

まずはbrew doctorしてみる。
dummy $ brew doctor
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. Thanks!

Warning: /usr/local/Frameworks isn't writable.

This can happen if you "sudo make install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If a formula tries to write a file to this directory, the
install will fail during the link step.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local/Frameworks back to
your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/Frameworks

Warning: /Users/dummy/Library/Caches/Homebrew isn't writable.
This can happen if you run `brew install` or `brew fetch` as another user.
Homebrew caches downloaded files to this location.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /Users/dummy/Library/Caches/Homebrew
back to your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/dummy/Library/Caches/Homebrew

Warning: /usr/local is not writable.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local
back to your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

Warning: /Users/dummy/Library/Logs/Homebrew isn't writable.
Homebrew writes debugging logs to this location.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /Users/dummy/Library/Logs/Homebrew
back to your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/dummy/Library/Logs/Homebrew

Warning: /usr/local/opt isn't writable.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local/opt
back to your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/opt

Warning: Some directories in /usr/local/share/locale aren't writable.
This can happen if you "sudo make install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If a brew tries to add locale information to one of these
directories, then the install will fail during the link step.

You should `sudo chown -R $(whoami)` them:

Warning: Some directories in /usr/local/share/man aren't writable.
This can happen if you "sudo make install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If a brew tries to add locale information to one of these
directories, then the install will fail during the link step.

You should `sudo chown -R $(whoami)` them:

Warning: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages isn't writable.
This can happen if you "sudo pip install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If you install a formula with Python modules, the install
will fail during the link step.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
back to your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Warning: /usr/local is not writable.
Even if this directory was writable when you installed Homebrew, other
software may change permissions on this directory. For example, upgrading
to OS X El Capitan has been known to do this. Some versions of the
"InstantOn" component of Airfoil or running Cocktail cleanup/optimizations
are known to do this as well.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local back to
your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

Warning: /usr/local/var isn't writable.

This can happen if you "sudo make install" software that isn't managed
by Homebrew. If a formula tries to write a file to this directory, the
install will fail during the link step.

You should change the ownership and permissions of /usr/local/var back to
your user account.
  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/var

Warning: Your XQuartz (2.7.8) is outdated
Please install XQuartz 2.7.9:

Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar
Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause brews that depend on
those kegs to fail to run properly once built. Run `brew link` on these:

Warning: Homebrew's sbin was not found in your PATH but you have installed
formulae that put executables in /usr/local/sbin.
Consider setting the PATH for example like so
  echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Warning: Your Homebrew is outdated.
You haven't updated for at least 24 hours. This is a long time in brewland!
To update Homebrew, run `brew update`.
dummy $

  sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local

brew doctorに従って修正する

brew doctorに従ってディレクトリの権限を直せば、移行作業終了。outdatedだとかunlinkedだとかはrootの問題ではないので、別途対応すればよい。でもこれ、間違って/usr/local/以下のファイルを消しても気がつかないよね。ファイルがないならエラーで気付くかもしれないけど、違う内容で上書きしていたら結構悲惨だ。
drwxrwxr-x+ 126 root  admin  4284  9  3 06:12 /Applications/
にほんブログ村 IT技術ブログへ


ブログ アーカイブ




  • 当ブログ「Hiroaki's blog」は、amazon.co.jpを宣伝しリンクすることによってサイトが紹介料を獲得できる手段を提供することを目的に設定されたアフィリエイト宣伝プログラムである、Amazonアソシエイト・プログラムの参加者です。
  • 当ブログでは、第三者配信による広告サービスを利用しています。このような広告配信事業者は、ユーザーの興味に応じた商品やサービスの広告を表示するため、当サイトや他サイトへのアクセスに関する情報 (氏名、住所、メール アドレス、電話番号は含まれません) を使用することがあります。このプロセスの詳細やこのような情報が広告配信事業者に使用されないようにする方法については、ここをクリックしてください。
  • アクセストレードアフィリエイトプログラムに参加しています。
  • A8.netアフィリエイトプログラムに参加しています。
  • バリューコマースアフィリエイトプログラムに参加しています。
  • もしもアフィリエイトプログラムに参加しています。






  • 広告の表示日時
  • 広告のクリック日時
  • 広告の計測に必要なクッキー情報
  • 広告表示時及び広告クリック時のIPアドレス
  • 広告表示時及び広告クリック時に使用されたインターネット端末およびインターネットブラウザの種類
  • グーグル合同会社
  • 楽天グループ株式会社
  • アマゾンジャパン合同会社
  • ヤフー株式会社
  • 株式会社ファンコミュニケーションズ
  • 株式会社もしも

